Muscle pain in the upper arm occurs when you have done a (too) hard workout or lifted too much, for example. In this blog, we dive deeper into the causes of upper arm muscle pain, how to prevent it, and the most effective treatments to get pain-free again quickly. Read on to discover more about how to keep your upper arms healthy and strong.
What causes muscle pain in the upper arm?
Muscle pain in the upper arm is caused by several factors. Overuse is the most common cause. This can come from an over-intensive workout, heavy lifting or making a wrong movement. Sustained incorrect posture while working can also cause muscle pain.
How to prevent upper arm muscle pain?
Fortunately, there are several things you can do to reduce muscle pain in your upper arm. We list them for you below.
- Warming up. When you start your workout, it is essential to do a warm-up. This will warm up the muscles and reduce the risk of injury and muscle soreness.
- Proper technique and posture. It is not only during exercise that it is important to pay attention to correct posture and technique. Even if you do a lot of computer work, for example, it is important to pay attention to your posture. Do you spend hours on end working in the wrong posture? Then you can also get muscle ache.
- Ergonomic workplace When muscle pain occurs while working at the office, choose to design your workplace completely ergonomically. Think of an ergonomic office chair or a height-adjustable ergonomic desk. When your working environment is adjusted to the right height for your body, this reduces the risk of injuries and muscle pain.
What treatments are available?
When you have muscle pain in your upper arm, of course you want to get rid of it as soon as possible. Fortunately, muscle pain often goes away by itself. However, there are a number of things you can do to speed up recovery. Read on quickly below.
- Take plenty of rest. Having a rest when you have muscle pain in your upper arm is difficult. After all, you use your arms all day long. But you can take care to avoid activities that aggravate the muscle pain as much as possible. For example, think about lifting heavy objects or making overhead movements.
- Heat compress. Using a heat compress can be incredibly nice for sore muscles. A hot compress offers relief and provides relaxation. Warm the hot and cold pack as indicated and then wrap it in a towel before placing it on your arm!
- Stretching and massaging. When you have muscle pain, you would prefer to spare those muscles as much as possible. But it is actually important to keep moving the muscles gently. This is better for the blood circulation and thus the muscles recover faster.
- Professional treatment. Do you still suffer from muscle pain after a few days and want to get rid of it quickly? Then consider a visit to the physiotherapist.

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