Thorax Complaints (upper back pain)
General information
Many people suffer from back pain to a greater or lesser extent in their lives. These are often lower back pains. But high back pain or thorax complaints are also more common. The upper back is also called the thoracic spine. The thoracic part of the spine has 12 vertebrae, to which the ribs are attached. Due to the structure of the thoracic spine, the ribs and the sternum, relatively little movement is possible.
Upper back pains often develop gradually. Upper back pains manifest themselves in many ways. Some people experience a sharp and stabbing pain at a specific location in the upper back. Other patients suffer from thoracic spine stiffness. Most upper back complaints are related to pain in the lower part of the neck and in between the shoulders. Turning and stretching the back is experienced as difficult. Activities such as prolonged office work or the lifting of heavy objects can cause upper back pains. Upper back pains can radiate to other areas such as the chest, neck or arms.
The cause is often mobility problems of the spine itself. The various back joints do not function optimally. Incorrect posture, repetitive movement and working with your arms above your head can be the cause. Stress can play a significant role in the development and sustainability of upper back complaints. Sudden pressuring of the upper back, for example from lifting wrong or making a wrong move, can also cause upper back complaints. Wearing a back brace or posture corrector can offer a solution.

Super Ortho Rib Brace - Torso Bandage

Dunimed Rib Support

Dunimed Premium Posture Corrector (ventilating)

Dunimed Back Support (without Busks)

Medidu Premium Comfort Back Support (Black & Beige)

- Physiotherapist
- Sports podiatrist
- Manual therapist
- Podopostural therapist
- Myofascial dry needling specialist