Leg Length Discrepancy
What's leg length discrepancy?
The name says it all. When suffering from a leg length discrepancy, one leg is just a little bit longer than the other. This can often amount to a discrepancy of 1 or 2 centimetres. This will affect the natural posture and balance of the body.
How is a leg length discrepancy noted?
To determine a leg length discrepancy, an x-ray has to be done first. It's essential that both legs be pictured. This will allow you to see the exact difference between the two legs. Mostly, the difference is only a couple of millimetres. Such a difference isn't classified as a leg length discrepancy. Doctors and physiotherapists only speak of a leg length discrepancy when there is a difference of 1 to 1.5 centimetres. If the difference is above 2 centimetres, they speak of an asymmetric discrepancy.
How does a leg length discrepancy occur?
A leg length discrepancy can be caused by many things. Think of a birth defect, bone fractures or a growth disorder.
What complaints can occur due to a leg length discrepancy?
When one leg is shorter than the other, one knee will be positioned lower than the other. Due to this difference, the hips and pelvis will also deviate from their natural position. This creates a so-called pelvic tilt. The shoulders, however, do not drop. This can cause unpleasant neck pains, scoliosis in medical terms. Because of this unnatural posture deviation, a lot of stress is put on the muscles in the body. These complaints can start in the lower back and even extend all the way to the neck.
Want to get rid of your leg length discrepancy?
Are you experiencing serious complaints caused by the leg length discrepancy? If so, then we have the best solution for your problem. You will find many different products that ensure the legs will be placed in the correct position again, therefore stabilizing your posture. This will prevent many back and neck complaints from occurring. Have any additional questions before ordering one of our products? Please don't hesitate to contact our customer service employees. They will help you with your questions immediately. You can contact them on the following number 003185-4898445.

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