Sprains / Strains / Bruises / Contusions (distortion)
The thumb sprain, strain, bruising, contusion or distortion is caused by a fall or a hard blow to the thumb. Very common with many ball-sports. When you sprain your thumb, the ligaments of your thumb stretch or tear off. Often followed by a swelling that limits movement.
Complaints related to a sprained thumb
The stretching or tearing of the ligaments often leads to pain and in most cases, after 24 hours also to swelling, discolouration and warmth. These are the same symptoms when suffering from a fracture in the thumb. Often, there's also a decreased function when bending or stretching the thumb. Luxation is when the ligament is fully torn, in that case, your thumb is put in a plaster cast or surgically treated.
It is important to keep moving the thumb to avoid stiffness. It is also recommended to regularly ice the thumb, decreasing the pain and swelling. The pain can persist long after the injury. In case of acute injuries, it is important to let the thumb rest first, it cannot be stressed for the first 48 hours. For example, you can use the RICE method: Rest, ice, compression and elevation. After this, and after injuries that have persisted for some time, it is wise to tape the thumb or buy a brace for full recovery without any complications. We, at Podobrace, among many other braces, offer you the Manutec Thumb Support or the Super Ortho Thumb Support.

Novamed Thumb Support / Wrist Splint

Super Ortho Thumb Support CMC

Dunimed Premium Thumb / Wrist Support

Dunimed Manu Thumb Support

Dunimed Thumb / Wrist Support (in Black and Beige)

- Physiotherapist
- Sports podiatrist
- Manual therapist
- Podopostural therapist
- Myofascial dry needling specialist