Flat Feet Insoles

What are flat feet?

When you suffer from flat feet, the arch of the foot has sagged on the inside of the foot. In the most severe cases, the arch of the foot even touches the floor. You can then really speak of flat feet because the bottom of the foot touches the floor in its entirety. See image above. Flat feet are most common in children and go away by themselves, as it is a natural phenomenon. In very few cases, it does not go away and can affect you as an adult. This is about 3% of adults.

What is the cause?

To best inform you about flat feet, it is important to mention 2 causes. These are physiological flat feet and pathological flat feet.

Origin of flat feet

In most cases, the flexible flatfoot arises because some muscles in the lower leg and foot are not yet sufficiently tightened. This often occurs in children because when they are young, they are naturally just starting to walk. In most cases, it disappears by the time they are 8 years old.