What are elbow crutches?
Elbow crutches are a medical walking aid. These help keep you balanced and help prevent falls.
What are crutch caps?
A crutch cap is the rubber cap attached to the bottom. This provides extra protection, grip and support. The rubber also allows you to walk more safely on a tiled floor. A supermarket floor is, in most cases, a tiled floor. So here you can walk more safely because of the stool caps. So you are equally free to move around. You can also walk short distances, keeping you moving. In short, a crutch thus helps you stay mobile in various ways for all kinds of complaints.
Types of elbow crutches
There are 2 types of elbow crutches. Namely, open-cuff elbow crutches and closed-cuff elbow crutches. With an open cuff, the part that wraps around the forearm is open and with a closed cuff, it is closed.
Walking with 1 or 2 crutches
Of course, walking with 1 or 2 crutches differs enormously. To keep good balance, we explain how best to walk with 1 or 2 crutches.
2 crutches
To walk as safely as possible with the crutches, it is important to practise well beforehand. Preferably with someone nearby who can assist you. When you want to walk with two crutches, simultaneously put the two crutches in front of you. Then swing the unstable leg behind you, as it were. Then put the stable leg back between the crutches as well, and you can continue walking.
1 crutch
Are you going to walk with one crutch? Then it is important that you carry the crutch on the side where you have no complaints. When you want to take a step, move the unstable leg and the crutch forward at the same time. This keeps you balanced during the step because the weight can lean on the stable leg.