Strassburg Sock Plantar Fasciitis Sock

97.8% of the Strassburg Sock users experienced their pain to disappear!

American research shows that 97.8% of the Strassburg Sock Plantar Fasciitis Sock users experienced their pain and complaints to be gone after 18.5 days. (Source: Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery).

Looking to buy the Strassburg Sock Plantar Fasciitis Sock? What are the advantages?

The Strassburg Sock is also known as the Plantar Fasciitis Sock and is a long sock, worn at night or during periods of rest. By means of adjustable straps, the Strassburg Sock gets a controlled stretch to the tendon plate under the foot and will heal the adhesion during the night. Moreover, it will heal the Plantar Fasciitis because it keeps the heel in a stretched position. After a few days of wearing the heel sock, our customers and patients already feel the difference, and it is best to wear the sock as much as possible. The Strassburg Sock is not only suitable for plantar fasciitis and tendinitis, but the Strassburg Sock has also proven its worth for other Achilles tendon complaints.