Tennisarm / Tenniselbow (Epicondylitis)
Do you suffer from a tennis arm or tennis elbow? The tennis arm braces belong to the best tennis arm support or tennis elbow support of the moment. After a long search at different suppliers for tennis arm braces at home and abroad, these tennis arm supports were finally chosen. We only offer a tennis arm support that has been tested as the best by our patients and (top) athletes. In our practices, we have years of experience in testing all types of tennis arm and tennis elbow braces, and you can now benefit from that!
Discover the best tennis arm support and tennis elbow support of the moment!
The tennis elbow supports below meet the highest quality requirements and are seen as the best tennis arm supports of the moment. So stop the pain and experience the difference at Podobrace!
What is a tennis arm or tennis elbow?
A tennis arm or tennis elbow is also called epicondylitis lateralise humeri.
Definition of a tennis arm: Epicondylitis lateralise is a painful tendopathalogy of the common finger and wrist extensors at the lateral epicondyle. Accompanied by degenerative changes and fibrovascular hyperplasia (also known as angiofibroblastic tendinosis). It is a combined tendon attachment of muscles that move the hand in the direction of the back of the hand.
Symptoms of a tennis arm:
- Pain on the outside of the elbow
- Pain in the elbow that can radiate to the forearm, wrist a hand
- Loss of strength with in particular a stretched out elbow
- Sometimes a swollen forearm that feels hard
- Sometimes pain when stretching the wrist (elbow stretched and the hand moving in the direction of the palm of the hand)
- Sometimes there are also golfer elbow complaints on the same arm
- A tennis arm on both arms occurs at 10% of the patients

Bauerfeind EpiPoint Tennis Elbow Strap

LP Support Bowling – Tennis Elbow Support - Wrist Splint

Novamed Premium Comfort Elbow Support

Lyon Premium Elbow Support

Dunimed Tennis Elbow Strap

Dunimed Elbow Support

Viofix Bowling - Tennis Elbow Support - Wrist Splint

- Physiotherapist
- Sports podiatrist
- Manual therapist
- Podopostural therapist
- Myofascial dry needling specialist