Overview of all sports tape

What does sports tape do?

Sports tape is designed to provide protection for recovering joints during, sports. And in particular, the so-called range of motion. This represents the range of movement of muscles and joints. In addition, you can also simply wear this tape when the muscles do not need to recover. You then simply wear the tape as prevention against injuries.

How long may sports tape remain in place?

Sport tape may remain in place for about 3 days. However, this does depend on the situation of the person. After all, some need to wear it longer than others. But in most cases, tape is allowed to stay on for up to 3 days. By using underwrap, the tape also stays in place. So by using it, you won't have to remove the tape before 3 days.

Sports tape serves to:

Want to buy sports tape?

At Podobrace, you can order tape in larger quantities. The larger the number of rolls of under-tape, the bigger your discount. Ideal when you wear tape for a longer period. Or for physiotherapists who use it during the treatment of their patients. Do you still have some questions? For example, how best to apply it? Then of course you can contact our customer service without any obligation. We are always at your service.